
({{membershipInfo[0].index}} of {{membershipInfo[0].total}})


{{ vm.dashboardTitle }}

Payment Failed

Your {{ vm.nextInstallment.title }} payment for {{ vm.nextInstallment.amount | currency }} failed.

Next Installment

Your card will be charged {{ vm.nextInstallment.amount | currency }} on {{ vm.nextInstallment.dueDate | dateTime:'MMMM d' }}.
You don't have any next installments for this transaction.
To use your gift card, you must email [email protected]
pay with a gift card
You are currently enrolled for Auto-renew, but the charge date is past due. Uncheck the box to renew nowto be charged week of April 13on {{ nextChargeDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy' }}. Please add a valid card below. Your auto-renewal charge on {{ failedAutorenewal.date | dateTime:'mediumDate' }} was unsuccessful. Please update your card below.
If you have received a new credit card, your bank may update your information and process your renewal.
Auto-renew has been disabled. Your membership will expire on {{ nextChargeDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy' }}.
Renew Now to extend your membership through {{ nextExpirationDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy' }}.
Next charge: ${{ nextCharge.amount }} week of April 13 on {{ nextChargeDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy' }} to {{ nextCharge.cardInfo }}. change card Next charge date: {{ nextChargeDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy' }}
You don't have any active cards on file. Please provide new card information.
Your tickets are being held for {{ eventTicketsTimer | secondsToDateTime | date:'m:ss' }} min
Your tickets were released, you need to select them again.
{{ optionalDonationSettings.title }}
{{ optionalDonationSettings.description }}
please provide your address:
optional: click logo to add a donation add a donation to {{ donationProfile.shortName }} enter amount to donate
{{ errors.pickupDateTime }}
{{ purchase.pickupMethod }} date

not available for {{ purchase.pickupMethod }}
{{pickupNotAvailable[purchase.pickupDateTimeMonth].name}} {{pickupNotAvailable[purchase.pickupDateTimeMonth].daysLabel}}

some items are not available on that date

pay using
For security, please verify your card's expiration date
{{ purchase.paymentMethod.errors.verify }}
{{ errors.paymentMethodID }}
{{ paymentMethod.errors.error.message }}

validating email address

{{ errors.address }}
{{ errors.zip }}
{{errors.phone}} in case we need to call you {{ offering.additionalInfo.phone.helpText }}
{{ errors.dateOfBirth }}
{{errors.zooAdopt.address}} {{errors.zooAdopt.city}} {{errors.zooAdopt.state}} {{errors.zooAdopt.zip}} {{errors.zooAdopt.phone}}
must be 8 characters long and include one number, and one uppercase letter
please correct the errors above

Your card has been updated

Your Club Tab will be charged at the start of the month The Tennis Coordinator will contact you for payment in full in the club.
You purchased tickets on
{{ errors.possibleDuplicate | dateTime:'MMM d \'at\' h:mma' }}
Purchase again?


TO REDEEM: show this screen to the merchant as you swipe

thanks for rating!

  • {{review.profile.firstName}} {{review.profile.lastName|limitTo:1}}.




split the bill

Enter email addresses for your guests and we will split the bill for you:

# of tickets
{{ split.quantity }}


Your card has been charged for the full amount and will be refunded as each of your guests pays for their portion of the bill. Any amount not paid by your guests will remain charged to your card.

Note: to protect our Guests and Staff, all visitors need to confirm their health status on the morning of their visit to receive admission.

We're sorry, our online store is unavailable at the moment! We have pies available for drop-in customers each day, so please come by our store. Call us with any questions: 202.398.7437